Lallemand LalBrew London ESB Engish Style Dry Yeast
Lallemand LalBrew London ESB English Style Ale Yeast is a true English ale strain selected for reliable fermentation performance and moderate ester production that lets the flavors and aromas of malt and hops shine through. London ESB was selected from the Lallemand yeast culture library and is an excellent choice for brewing Extra Special Bitter and other authentic heritage UK styles like Pale Ale, Bitter and Mild. London ESB is also a great addition to Ciders.
Ingredients: Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Ideal Styles for LalBrew London ESB
American Pale Ales
Baltic Porters
Brown Porters
Cream Ales
English Browns
English IPAs
Irish Red Ales
Oatmeal Stouts
Old Ales
Ordinary Bitters
Robust Porters
Scottish Ales
Special Bitters
Sweet Stouts
LalBrew London ESB Yeast Specs
Fermentation Temperature: 65-72F
Attenuation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: 12%
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